- Improves our community by pooling the charitable gifts of donors to create endowment funds and using the investment income to provide grants- Distributes both project and multi-year funds to local charities- Annual grant cycle deadlines are October 1st and May 1st
Accessibility: No elevator or escalator available, stairs only
\Primary Contact: Bruce Davies, Executive Director; Email: bruce@centralokanaganfoundation.org
\Alternate Contact: Cheryl Miller, Director of Grants & Community Initiatives; Email: cheryl@centralokanaganfoundation.org
\Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 4:30pm
\Languages: English
Close To: Dolphin Ave and Kirschner Rd
Facebook: www.facebook.com/centralokanaganfoundationGoogle+: plus.google.com/114847529537691386098Twitter: twitter.com/centralokanaganYouTube: www.youtube.com/user/centralokanaganfound