How to guide
Do I need to create an account for my agency, house or organization?
Any agency or organization who provides housing that fits under the Housing Definitions (click here for link to housing definitions) listed on this site (emergency, transitional, supportive, low income or market rental) who are NOT currently represented on this map, may request to create a login.
A login is required in order to add your housing resource to the mapping tool or to add or delete information for a particular housing location.
One login will be created for each agency, and for each individual property.
Creating or updating your agency or provider information
To review and update your agency's information, you will need to log in to the site.
Please use the user name and password provided. If you do not have this information please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and, if you are a involved in the sector, we will send you this information.
If you hover the 'Map' menu item at the top of the page a pop up called 'my items' will appear, select this.
If it does not appear, go to the search bar and type in the name of your agency/program. select your agency/program from the drop down list that will appear.
Your information will then appear on the right hand side of the map.
Ensure the edit tab is engaged.
Work your way down the form (it is quite long!) to ensure all the information is accurate, revising where it is not.
At the bottom, remember to click on the save button.
Your information is now updated! Thank you! :)
Updating information
In order to update the information for your agency or housing property, ensure that you are logging in with the associated Login ID for that agency or property.
Once you are logged in, you can locate your property or agency through the map by navigating to your location, or you can type in the name of the property or agency in the search bar. Only the individual logged in with the appropriate ID can edit what is displayed on the screen for that particular property or agency.
Once you have made the appropriate edits, there is a “save” button located at the top and bottom of the form.
General FAQ’s for Agencies