- Offers an intake, assessment, and service delivery hub for youth and young adults, ages 16-24, which facilitates connections to mental health services, community resources, and emotional and material supports - Each week, CMHA brings together health and community supports to interact with individual youth to form a collaborative plan of action and follow up, providing immediate access to clinical, vocational, and community services - This process saves time and money and connects key professionals with youth to address their individual needsLINC is a key element of CMHA’s Connected by 25, an initiative designed to provide supports to young people vulnerable in their transitions to adulthood, and is delivered by the Kelowna Youth Transitions Working Group: CMHA Kelowna, The Bridge Youth & Family Services, Interior Health, and the Ministry of Children and Family Development
Accessibility: Fully Accessible
\Primary Contact: CJ LeBlanc, Youth Transitions Navigator; Email: cj.leblanc@cmha.bc.ca
\Alternate Contact: John West, Youth Transitions Navigator; Email: john.west@cmha.bc.ca
\Hours: Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 4:00pm (program hours vary)
\Languages: English
Close To: Sutherland Ave and Pandosy St
Facebook: www.facebook.com/cmhakelownaFlickr: www.flickr.com/photos/cmhakelowna/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/canadian-mental-health-associationPinterest: pinterest.com/cmhakelowna/Twitter: twitter.com/cmhakelownaYouTube: www.youtube.com/cmhakelowna