- Connects people diagnosed with cancer and/or their caregivers with a trained volunteer who has had a similar cancer experience- Connections are tailored to individual needs and can be based on diagnosis, treatment type and lifestyle similarities - Volunteers offer emotional support, a listening ear, shared experience, understanding and encouragement.
\Primary Contact: Marie Dubord, Manager, Cancer Connection; Phone: 1.604.675.7106; Email: mdubord@bc.cancer.ca
\Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm (please leave message after hours)
\Languages: English ; French ; If English or French is not your first language we may be able to find a volunteer to speak with you in your language * CancerConnection is available in all provinces * please call for more information.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/canadiancancersocietyokanagan/Twitter: twitter.com/cancersocietybcYouTube: www.youtube.com/user/CDNCancerSociety