- Offers services for children and youth with special needs, ages 1-18 and their families/caregivers, who are experiencing difficulties that can include challenging behaviors and lagging skills - Observation and assessment - Development and implementation of a positive behavioural support plan - Direct work with youth and families and all people involved with the child or youth for consistent service coordination, implementation of plan across environments, and community network building
Accessibility: Fully Accessible - Ground level access off of Bernard Ave
\Primary Contact: Candice Henriques, Behavioural and Mental Health Services Program Director; Phone: 250.763.2977 ext 120; Email: chenriques@arcprograms.com
\Alternate Contact: Patrick McIntosh, Director of Services; Phone: 250.763.2977; Email: pmcintosh@arcprograms.com
\Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm (Office)
\Languages: English
Close To: Ellis St and Bernard Ave